The math of portfolio size – why VC need not be so risky

In his Medium post, Matt H. Ler­ner, foun­der of Star­tup Core Strengths, con­si­ders the
calcu­la­tions behind risk and return in ven­tu­re capi­tal. Using a Mon­te Car­lo simu­la­tion, he
finds that cete­ris pari­bus, a lar­ger port­fo­lio yields mar­ked­ly bet­ter return mul­tiples than
smal­ler ones.

This is chiefly due to the power law cha­rac­te­rizing VC returns, which implies that a small
num­ber of port­fo­lio com­pa­nies bring in a lar­ge por­tion of total returns. Simply put, the
more com­pa­nies you have, the more like­ly it is that you find an out­lier that ends up
beco­ming a unicorn and yields a gar­gan­tuan multiple.

Of cour­se, VCs do not choo­se their firms ran­dom­ly, and some of the top ones high­ly
bene­fit from their brand and con­nec­tions which cer­tain­ly boost the pro­ba­bi­li­ty of success
for all of their res­pec­ti­ve port­fo­lio com­pa­nies. The abo­ve still holds true, and we at Goril­la
Capi­tal have since 2012 been vocal advoca­tes of the lar­ge port­fo­lio approach.

The diver­si­fica­tion bene­fits from having 70+ acti­ve com­pa­nies in total in our Funds I & II
mean that our success is actual­ly not even con­tin­gent on fin­ding the occa­sio­nal unicorn.
Ins­tead, the bulk of the solid returns is gene­ra­ted from a lar­ge num­ber of success­ful,
ear­lier-sta­ge exits. Howe­ver, should a port­fo­lio com­pa­ny show poten­tial to reach a bil­lio­neu­ro IPO, we cer­tain­ly sup­port them on their path – our approach doesn’t force any
arti­ficial cei­ling on companies.

The­re are some unders­tan­dable rea­sons behind LPs pre­fer­ring mana­gers that prac­tice
unicorn-hun­ting over this more sen­sible stra­te­gy. First, ven­tu­re capi­tal is seen as an asset
class with a high level of risk cor­re­la­ted with a high level of reward. LPs might feel as
though they can get solid returns with a soun­der risk level from other assets. Second, the
irra­tio­nal opti­mism cha­rac­te­rizing the enti­re ven­tu­re capi­tal industry is strongly pre­sent
when funds are pitc­hing to LPs: the dra­ma­tic, emo­tio­nal and ove­rop­ti­mis­tic sty­le often
entices more than a more cynical one.

At Goril­la, our mis­sion is thus to show that a lar­ger port­fo­lio size of com­pa­nies is also able
to gene­ra­te sizeable returns for inves­tors. We are essen­tial­ly hed­ging our down­si­de
wit­hout limi­ting our upsi­de in the sligh­test. The success of our pre­vious funds applying
this stra­te­gy ser­ves as empi­rical proof: the gene­ral VC wis­dom of unicorn-hun­ting can and
should be challenged.

A Tale of Two Squir­rels: The Not So Simple Math on Ven­tu­re Port­fo­lio Size:

The Corona issue – what to think about it ?

Fri­day Mach 6, 2020

To: Goril­la Capi­tal port­fo­lio companies

From: Ris­to Rautakorpi

The Coro­na issue – what to think about it

Note – I focus enti­re­ly on the busi­ness implica­tions, per­so­nal health & safe­ty is of cour­se #1 prio­ri­ty and I lea­ve tho­se mat­ters for the Healthca­re pro­fes­sio­nals to advi­se on.

I rat­her cry wolf than regret later, and as “only the Para­noid sur­vi­ves”, I’m OK to be the paranoid.

No-one knows yet what the end outco­me of the Coro­na issue will be. But alrea­dy now it has caused a visible dis­tur­bance on busi­nes­ses and eco­no­mies worldwi­de and the ripple effects are yet to be seen. Some busi­nes­ses are affec­ted more than others, but very few will be comple­te­ly immu­ne. For some (like face mask pro­ducers or remo­te wor­king solu­tions) this can crea­te a mas­si­ve windfall.

Your busi­ness will be affec­ted as well. In what way, when and how seve­re­ly, depends. That’s what you should now form a view on, and do miti­ga­tion accordingly.

A like­ly sce­na­rio for any­one sel­ling to cor­po­ra­tions: In the 1st wave, they focus on their people risks: they cancel atten­ding events, making busi­ness trips, they ask people to work from home etc. In the 2nd wave they do the imme­dia­te adjust­ments to their own busi­ness (such as air­li­ne industry), in the 3rd wave they start calcu­la­ting the cost of all that, and how to balance the effect. They will try to assess what their cus­to­mers do and how that will affect their own busi­ness. The 1st thing they’ll do is step on the bra­kes and will do only the man­da­to­ry until the dust has sett­led – which means anyt­hing non-man­da­to­ry will be post­po­ned. They will try to mana­ge costs, in antici­pa­tion of their reve­nues decli­ning. This may mean lay­offs, freezing any new costs (such as deve­lop­ment pro­jects) etc. They will have to add new issues on their agen­da, chan­ging the prio­ri­ties. At this point you will start fee­ling the heat.

The­se “never seen befo­re” cri­sis are part of the busi­ness cycles. I’m older than any of you so I have expe­rienced a few (and their direct con­sequences) myself: oil cri­sis 1973, Cher­no­byl 1986 (this was par­ticu­lar­ly sca­ry in Fin­land, due to the typical wind direc­tions), Iraqi war and 2nd oil cri­sis 1990, dot com crash 2000, Financial cri­sis 2008. Not to men­tion the next tier – SARS, Thai­land Tsu­na­mi etc.

It’s not a bug, it’s a fea­tu­re. If you sail across the Atlan­tic you’re like­ly to get into at least one big storm. You know that from the start so you pre­pa­re accor­dingly. And when the weat­her map turns dark, you get rea­dy: you take down sails, clo­se all holes, tie eve­ryt­hing down, eat and rest whi­le you still can, make rain­gear rea­di­ly avai­lable. When the storm hits you, you are pre­pa­red. Then you do what you must to stay afloat, and just wait. Even the worst storms end one day, the sun is shi­ning again and smooth sai­ling can continue. 

But whi­le sai­ling after is no dif­fe­rent from sai­ling befo­re, busi­ness after a cri­sis is never qui­te the same as befo­re. Oil cri­sis trig­ge­red the need to reduce depen­dency on oil, Financial Cri­sis tigh­te­ned regu­la­tion of financial mar­kets etc. The man­kind is trying take mea­su­res that “this could never hap­pen again” (rat­her success­ful­ly, as the next major cri­sis is always a “never seen befo­re” kind). Tho­se chan­ges crea­te a ton of new busi­ness opportunities. 

The Coro­na situa­tion – once over and back to nor­mal - will trig­ger such chan­ges as well. What exact­ly, we all can make educa­ted gues­ses about. They too will crea­te opportunities.

Pro­fits are made during the high sea­son. Stra­te­gic moves are made during the low season. 

My call to action to all of you:

  1. The even­tual con­sequences of Coro­na will affect all of you (and us, as a result). Mea­ning you all need to take it on your agenda.
  2. You should ana­ly­se your situa­tion (and that of your key cus­to­mers), play with some sce­na­rios and form a view on what you assu­me the implica­tions to your busi­ness to be
  3. What is it you can and should do to miti­ga­te the nega­ti­ve effects. Crea­te an action plan on what to do if the storm hits you, and what is the indica­tor tel­ling you the storm is on
  4. What new oppor­tu­ni­ties will this crea­te, once the storm is over. How could you best bene­fit of it?

I since­re­ly hope none of this is ulti­ma­te­ly nee­ded and the world goes back to nor­mal soon. But it would be irres­pon­sible to just count on being luc­ky. Hope for the best, pre­pa­re for the worst!


Start with the Exit in Mind !

Start with the Exit in Mind! - mini-con­fe­rence was an event for star­tup ent­repre­neurs, angel inves­tors, board mem­bers and advisors.

People pre­sen­ting at the event were:

  • Ris­to Rau­ta­kor­pi, Goril­la Capi­tal Mana­ge­ment - ope­ning and clo­sing presentations
  • Nat Bur­gess, Tech­strat - M&A Bootcamp
  • Jonat­han Ander­sin, Fon­dia - Legal con­si­de­ra­tions in M&A

Ope­ning and exit sta­tis­tics presentation

Nat Bur­gess presentation

Legal aspects of M&A presentation

Clo­sing presentation

Also here is link to Ris­to’s Lin­ke­din post about the com­mon “misconcep­tion” about the “exit thinking”.

Stages of startup development

A star­tup is like a new­born baby. The deve­lop­ment of a baby always fol­lows a cer­tain sequence: learn to eat, get the diges­tion sys­tem going, then craw­ling, wal­king, tal­king, run­ning, rea­ding, wri­ting etc. The first clo­se to 20 years of a human life are spent on just lear­ning the skills nee­ded to be a real, adult human being. And it always hap­pens in a cer­tain sequence.

You don’t expect a 2 year old to be able to run a marat­hon, nor a 2nd gra­der to apply for a university.

Star­tups do fol­low a simi­lar kind of a deve­lop­ment. But that is poor­ly unders­tood (or accep­ted), resul­ting in “2nd gra­ders trying to get into a Uni­ver­si­ty, with the help of a rich dad” – in star­tup par­lance known as “pre­ma­tu­re sca­ling” (usual­ly fuel­led by foie gras funding).

Human babies and star­tups ali­ke should focus on deve­lo­ping skills that kids of their age are meant to. Even Wun­der­kinds who have special skills and are fas­ter lear­ners than most have to fol­low the same sequence, they may just advance fas­ter. “The Star­tup J Cur­ve” by Howard Love defi­nes a 6 sta­ge deve­lop­ment process a star­tup has to go through, in sequence, to make it to the finish line. A brief sum­ma­ry of the sta­ges can be found here

Eve­ry star­tup should iden­ti­fy their place on that cur­ve, and unders­tand what should and SHOULD NOT be on their prio­ri­ty agen­da whi­le at that sta­ge. And when are they rea­dy to move to the next stage. 

One way to look at the sta­ges is as a star­tup Foun­der to do list:

  1. Pro­vi­de evi­dence that the­re is a real busi­ness oppor­tu­ni­ty with real problem worth to sol­ve. (problem/solution fit)
  2. Pro­vi­de evi­dence that a) you can build a pro­duct that does the job (pro­duct) b) you can find a mar­ket seg­ment that loves your pro­duct (mar­ket). (product/market fit)
  3. Pro­vi­de evi­dence that you can build mea­ning­ful busi­ness. (busi­ness model)
  4. Pro­vi­de evi­dence that your busi­ness is sca­lable. (rea­dy to scale) 

You should move to the next item on the list only when you have tic­ked the pre­vious off. And expect to do a lot of ite­ra­tions – one step forward, half a step back. Some­ti­mes all the way back to squa­re 1. 

Gorilla Capital Management Oy

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Lapinlahdenkatu 16, 00180 Helsinki


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